Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day from Endometrix!



Since its launch in 2013 by the German nonprofit WASH United, Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) has smashed menstrual taboos, broken the bloody silence about periods, and challenged all the negative norms associated with menstruation.

This year MH Day is dedicated to establishing the Menstruation Bracelet as the global symbol for menstruation. Why does the world need a Menstruation Bracelet? Well, we all recognise that the Rainbow Flag represents the LGBTQ+ movement and that the Red Ribbon represents the fight against HIV/AIDS. Visual symbols have the power to bring people together and to create long-lasting social change, and the menstrual movement is just as in need of one.

So what is the Menstruation Bracelet?

The bracelet consists of 28 beads, five of which are red. All 28 of the beads represent the average length of a menstrual cycle. The five red beads represent the average length of menstruation (Although we all know that periods vary in length. If not, have a read of this great article explaining why periods vary in length from person to person).

At Endometrix, we love what this seemingly simple bracelet stands for, which is a visual representation of menstruation being a part of the larger menstrual cycle. For many of us, our sex ed framed periods as a stand-alone event, as something that happens once a month and then disappears until the next month. Learning that menstruating is only one part of a hormonal journey our bodies go through every month (or so) can be hugely empowering.

Top tip: have a read of this blog by Maisie Hill about the four seasons of your menstrual cycle to learn more about this.

Want to start tracking your cycle?

Well grab a pen and a notebook so you can get started right now! First, make a note of today’s date and what day you are on your cycle (FYI, day 1 is the first day of your period). Then, simply write down how you are feeling. How is your energy today? How is your mental health? Are you having any physical symptoms today? If you are bleeding, is it a heavy flow day or are you lightly spotting? Are you using a menstrual cup, tampon or pad? Have you exercised? Have you had sex (including solo sex, shout out to Masturbation May)? Are you experiencing any pain or discomfort today in your pelvis? How is your digestion?

Knowledge is power. All of the information you collect about your body and how it feels during your period and across your menstrual cycle is power. Tracking your cycle can be an especially empowering experience if you experience difficult or painful periods. Learning the patterns of your pain, and whether things such as food or exercising can affect this pain positively or negatively, is a vital tool for supporting your body.

This is Why We Created the Endometrix App

We want to help all those who experience period pain, whether they have suspected or confirmed endometriosis, to better understand their experiences with endometriosis or chronic pelvic pain. Our app aims to provide those with especially painful periods a tool that can help them manage their overall health and wellbeing, whether it be with individualized insights for self-management care or for communicating needs to a healthcare provider.

Join us!

Let's celebrate the power of the menstrual cycle today (and every day)! Invoking change is as simple as having a conversation. Try talking to a friend, colleague, or family member to see if they know about the different phases of the menstrual cycle. You can even spread awareness about menstrual health online today by posting about #MenstrualHygieneDay. Please don't forget to tag us, we'd love to see how you celebrate today!